Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Update on swim meet and lost tooth

Ryan had a swim meet in Coconut Grove on Saturday. He swam the 25 back and free style and the 50 free. Unfortunately when he touched the pad at the end of his backstroke he rolled over on his tummy so he was disqualified. He did really well in both of the freestyle races. During his 50 free he didn't stop at one end he touched, turned and kept going. YAY RYAN!!!

Well, Ryan lost another tooth! He kept pushing at the bottom tooth, he even brought us dental floss and asked us to tie it to his tooth and to the door knob then to slam the door. (That's Grandpa Crist's idea.) Finally, on labor day we came home form the pool without a tooth. We're not sure if Ryan swallowed it or lost in the pool.

1 comment:

~Robyn (www.dimsumanddoughnuts.com) said...

The tooth fairy still has to come even if there is no tooth under the pillow!! The tooth fairy knows... :) Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. That is how I found yours. You seem really great and I hope you guys don't have to wait too much longer for your girlie. I will be checking in for sure!